It is graduation time and for me, time to figure out how much college life has changed since I was there 15 years ago! Besides taking a laptop, iPhone, and iPad to college, what can you buy the new graduate? Here are some ideas!
This is a staple! Thank you Dr. Seuss! I'd pair this with cash or a bookstore gift card to help them get started as a serious studios student!

Encourage the graduate to write home by giving them fun stationary- be sure to throw in the stamps!
For a boy, I'd recommend these game notepads instead.

Doesn't every college kid want to leave for school with monogrammed towels? I know I did and loved mine until my initials changed! :) These are $30 with free shipping from Lands' End. Thanks to Being Resourceful for the deal!
I am amazed at how young coffee drinkers are these days! Seeing HS and college kids study at Starbucks makes me feel old. I studied on my bed with the radio on. Not in a coffee shop drinking a $4 latte. So, help them drink and study in style with these fun mugs from Tara Nicole. I've ordered from her in the past and love her stuff!
Every college kid needs a stylish laundry bag! Jon Hart is a Texas-based designer who creates rugged, durable, and colorful items including laundry bags! This would be great for a boy. You can also get major Texas schools logo on the leather piece instead of initials.
If you are looking for something quick and easy, buy them gift cards to restaurants in their new area for Sunday night when the dorms are closed. Starbucks, Sonic, Taco Bell, Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, just get the idea! $5 to each and they are set for the first few weeks.