Not only have I missed my craft room the past few weeks, but I've missed my family and my bed! I left town unexpectedly for business and was gone for 5 days. It wouldn't be a big deal if I hadn't been out of town for 4 days just the week before. So, laundry, saying hello to my husband (the father of the year), and playing with my daughter reigned supreme. I am back in action now and will be celebrating Mother's Day soon (they live out of town!) and share those crafts with you. I am off work today and enjoying my own personal fun day- don't we all need those!
About a month ago I received a nice gift certificate to a local spa and today is the day I cash it in! I am getting a deep cleansing facial with a special lip treatment. I live my chap stick, but swear my lips are still not soft enough. I can't wait to see how smooth they will be!
After my facial, I'll be nestled in one of these chairs reading this inspiring book. My piggies will be ready for the fun weekend ahead!
After the spa, I have to stop by the mall because in honor of my busy trip and time away from the family, my husband and I are purchasing one of these! I am so excited to finally own something that starts with a little i.
We have an HP laptop, a Dell desktop, a Blackberry and a Garmin GPS... nothing from the ever so popular Apple family. Now, I will have an iPad to play with! When traveling, it is my access to blogs and FB, my GPS system, my digital reader, my music, and my movie player! At home, it'll be all that and much more fun! I'll be sure to let you know if I find any apps for crafting! ha!
Hope everyone is having a great week!

Hope everyone is having a great week!