Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Grateful- Week Fourteen

I am grateful for so many things- here is a glimpse of my week.

I am grateful to be past the baby stage of parenting, despite the super cute little shoes and clothes I always see. Abby is so independent and most days, I am really appreciative she is not a toddler anymore. 

I felt just awful last Thursday and was so grateful this text conversation led to my husband coming home within 20 minutes with lunch for Abby and working from home so I could sleep. I rarely have stomach issues and just don't handle them well at all. 

Friday I had lunch with a friend I've had since elementary school. We were college roommates and only live about 10 minutes from each other. But, kids and school schedules get in the way and I haven't seen her in months. This was my birthday card- so funny and so me. I'm grateful to have a friend of more than 20 years still in my life!

Saturday was Round Top- a semi-annual antiques show in a town about 2 hours away. I was so grateful to have some friends join me- it was their first time! Walking through junk in a field on a windy day isn't for everyone. I'm glad I have friends that like it too.

I love dinner parties because it gives me an excuse to bake! Dinner? Sure, I'll bring a cobbler!

I am grateful that for today I have a clean car! Hooray for that! Something about clean hub caps and shiny black tires makes a car look brand new again!

 Have a great week- be grateful!