My girlfriend Alison asked me to design Valentine's cards for her three kids to pass out to their friends. I had so much fun with these! I went looking for some new images and found a great new site with some cute designs- Funky Playground Designs.
This digital kit is called Sweet as Honey. I have to use this for something with my daughter- love the bumblebees! The entire kit was $2.
This is 4 year old Georgia's card. G is my kind of girl- she loves accessories, colors and sparkle. Me too! This set is called Girls Rule and Boys Drool. The letters of her name are part of the set- there are some really cute options. It would be great for printing out flashcards for a nursery.
Gus needed some manly cards and he is all trains all the time! I asked my husband if he could think of anything Valentine's related with trains and he imediately said, I Choo-Choo-Choose you. I looked at him in amazement and he fessed up it is an old Simpsons bit. It worked well!