I saw this picture recently on etsy and decided I could make myself one! Here it is- perfect to hang in my closet above the hamper! What an awesome reminder of what God looks for in your appearance each day.
I started by picking out 5 pieces of scrapbook paper from my stock.
I then painted a 8" x 14" canvas with a light yellow Ceramcoat paint. Three coats got it done!
Next I create my template. Using just an old scrap of purple paper, I made one big dress and then cut it into 5 layers. I scalloped the bottoms of each layer and numbered them 1-5. Just make your dress a little longer than you want so that when you cut layers and then overlay them you'll have the size you want.
I then laid my papers on the canvas made sure I liked them and started laying them down with modge podge. You can see where the "wet" parts are.
I put a thin layer on the back and a thicker layer across the top and got my dress in place.
Next, I modge podged Colossians 3:12 in layers on my dress.
Next up, I used my 1 3/8 inch circle punch and cut out a bunch of circle and then cut them in half.
Then modge podge the half circles around the edge. I recommend doing the top and bottom and then the sides. It will make sure that your corners match up.