Happy 4th of July!
Our church does an amazing Celebrate America service the last Sunday of June. It involved video documentaries, patriotic songs, soldiers in uniforms, recognition of soldiers and soldiers' families inside our congregation. People dress in red, white and blue, and the HUGE church lawn is covered in flags. Pride just swells up in you. I hope you all feel that pride- proud to be an American and recognition of the many men, women and their families that made that possible.
I am so grateful my husband is home every night and just in awe of the wives whose husband's are in battle. It makes me emotional every time I think of it.
On this 4th of July, I'd ask you to stop and pray for 2 military families that I do not know, but have followed in blog land. Both have touched my heart.
Kevin was injured in battle and his Mother quit her job, moved across the country and cares for him daily. She blogs everyday about his progress. Each post is titled with the number of days since his injury. He is on 765 days. What an amazing Mother!
Rob Yllescas lost his life fighting for our freedom and he left behind a wife and two young daughters. Her life as a widow is sad, inspiring, and life changing.
Some heroes wear capes. Mine wears combat boots.
Happy Independence Day chickadees!