This is my bed- or the queen-sized version of it. We upgraded to the King size last year and I bought the same bedding. I love this bedding, but I also want a change. I want something lighter for the Spring and Summer.
My girlfriend Katy recently asked me to be her personal shopper and find her a new comforter. She gave me her preferences and off I went. Only, I found me a new comforter and she is still searching. Bad Anna. We both agreed this bedding was SO me! I love it!

I discussed it with my husband and we agreed we don't need it, so I have a personal goal to reach before I can put this on the bed. I ordered it already (it went on sale!), but it will sit in the box for a more weeks or a month until I can pull it out and use it!

I purchased the Duvet cover and will put it over my existing black and tan comforter and keep it folded at the bed as I do now. I think this will really pop with my red and white checkered quilt. I bought a few throw pillows as well. My only other addition will be new valences for Spring. I plan to find a simple fabric and make those with my Mom.
Stay tuned- new bedding on my bed and what my personal goal is to come!