My daughter is turned 4 at the end of December and this year her birthday party is a Christmas party. I knew I had a limited window where I could pick her party theme and when all her little friends would be excited for a Christmas party, so this is the year! I have been researching parties and pinning ideas since this time last year. I have way more ideas than I could use, so I'll do a couple of posts in the next week about kids Christmas parties. We'll start with fun crafts!
Making a felt tree with presents and ornaments is a great way to distract kids from the real Christmas tree. It can also be lots of fun at a party. Pre-make the tree and then allow kids to make ornaments with felt you provide. Then, kids (with parental help if needed) can put their name on the ornaments and place them on the tree.
It would be a fun thing to pull out each year and reminisce about your little friends from that particular year. You could also use it to inspire you to pray over the kids represented on the ornaments annually.

How much messy fun are these? They are simply ice cream cones colored in pre-made icing with food coloring and then decorated with candy! I love this idea, just give yourself lots of time so that the icing can dry before the party ends!
Snow globes are fun to make and can cost next to nothing! You need a jar, a small toy item, glitter and water! Baby jars and plentiful if you have a little one or mason jars are inexpensive. For a homemade snow globe gift card holder, click here. This was my favorite gift to give last year.
I love this easy craft. It would be a fun teacher gift from a class of preschoolers or fun for a larger family. I love the colors it pulls in and how easy it is to do, frame and finish!
Up next, fun food ideas for a kids Christmas party!
* All of these pictures came from Pinterest and the links take you to the original author. Click over and give them some love for the great ideas!