I have heard that shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is healthier than the inside. The inside is where the processed junk lies. Around the edge, you'll find fresh fruits and veggies, meats and dairy. The good stuff is on the outside. While I know that apples are good for me and Trix are not, I'd love to know what exactly apples do for me. (reduce artery and cell damage is the answer!)
I went to the expert of our times, Dr. Oz and found his article on the 99 healthiest foods you can buy at the grocery store. It includes fruits, veggies, grains, meats, dairy and more and tells you what they can do for you, how to save money when buying them, and even gives recipes with those staples included.
If you are resolving to eat better so that you'll be healthier and eliminate the processed foods, join me in 2013 and this article will help! For more 2013 Resolutions, click on the button on the left.