When you put this INSIDE a cake, good things happen!
I love making desserts and have to limit myself to only making them when I can share them outside of the 2 adults in my house. We would be very large people if I made desserts when I wanted to. Last night we attended a SYTYCD party at a friend's home and brought my husband's favorite German Chocolate Pound Cake.

This is one of those cakes you can buy on the fly in the grocery store and don't need the list of ingredients since it is so simple. My recipe for this is from an email in 2005 and it is covered in signs that I have made it often. Here is the recipe just for you!
German Chocolate Pound Cake
Prehreat oven to 325
Mix together the following:
1 German Chocolate Cake Mix
4 aggs
1/2 c. water
1 c. oil
Stir in:
1 can Coconut Pecan Frosting
6 oz. (or more) chocolate chips
Pour into greased bundt pan and bake for 1 hour.
Enjoy warm, with ice cream or all by it's lonesome.
This is one of those cakes you can buy on the fly in the grocery store and don't need the list of ingredients since it is so simple. My recipe for this is from an email in 2005 and it is covered in signs that I have made it often. Here is the recipe just for you!
German Chocolate Pound Cake
Prehreat oven to 325
Mix together the following:
1 German Chocolate Cake Mix
4 aggs
1/2 c. water
1 c. oil
Stir in:
1 can Coconut Pecan Frosting
6 oz. (or more) chocolate chips
Pour into greased bundt pan and bake for 1 hour.
Enjoy warm, with ice cream or all by it's lonesome.