My girlfriend
Melanie made this cute chalkboard for her family and nicely agreed to make me one, too! I just love these rules- silly and purposeful! I hung this just inside our hallway so that we'll see it when we enter from the garage each day.

According to Melanie, it was easy to make. Buy a frame you like that is at least 11x14. Remove the glass and
spray paint it with chalkboard paint. Place the glass back inside the frame. Using chalkboard markers (found at Hobby Lobby near chalk) write all over the chalkboard made of glass. Melanie played with various fonts. You can easily print them on the computer and then copy the style of each letter.

I love the detail of the frame with red coming through the black edges.
Have fun making your own set of rules! And, thank you to Melanie for giving my family such a wonderful treasure.