When Marcus and I first got married, we took the recommendation of a co-worker of mine and would alternate who the honoree was for Valentine's Day. One year I would spoil Marcus and the next he would spoil me. Valentine's Day really is about the girls, but I love to give as much as I love to receive, so it was a fun and more balanced way to celebrate.
One of the memorable years we celebrated him included this
because he wanted to eat with a big one of these!

I always pick my restaurants based upon the bread or chips that come out first or the dessert that comes out last. I am a simpleton with food which totally contradicts my career as an event planner!
We don't exchange large gifts- no diamonds or massive floral deliveries. Honestly, I often pick out my gift and email him the link. I try to make it easy for him and ensure I get something I like. He, on the other hand, never tells me what he wants because he has no idea. I just have to listen for ideas on my own!
This year we are eating at a nice restaurant tonight within a mile of church with friends from church. It is Parent's Night Out so our daughter can play and we aren't too far away maximizing our child care window. I'm looking forward to Cornmeal Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Marcus is looking forward to a big knife!