I recently read a post that got me to thinking. My friends and I have for the most part hit the 30s where we are learning to balance our roles as wives, mothers, friends, homemakers and career women. Somedays we soar and somedays we fail. It really got me to thinking about what I have cut from my life, the things I don't do, in order to accomplish all that I want to do. Here is a list of things I have cut from my life, the things I just don't do:
I don't keep up with politics.
I don't participate in my neighborhood HOA or my electric co-op.
I don't watch TV without doing something else at the same time- blog, menu plan, Facebook, scrapbook, etc.
I don't iron or put away my husband's laundry.
I don't clean my house. A maid is 100% worth it to me.
I don't make elaborate meals. I often don't include more than the main dish.
I don't grocery shop more than 2x per month.
I don't cut my own onions or bell peppers.
I don't cut coupons.
I don't avoid the toll roads.
I don't balance my checkbook.
I don't garden or grow herbs.
I don't send birthday cards out anymore. I try to send emails or FB messages instead.
I don't wash my face everynight, I use
I don't have normal or dry hair, so I don't grow my hair out.
I don't run errands after work. For me, it only leads to a stressful week or causes us to eat out. For the most part, I run errands during my lunch hour.
I don't go to the mall or shop in person. I do most all of my shopping online- the selection is better on sale and clearnance items and I can do it any time of day. I also look for free shipping coupons online first to avoid the added expense.
Please don't judge- the things I don't do may be key to your happiness, but they aren't to mine. I've always felt that time is money and my time with my daughter is so valuable right now that I am willing to spend a little more in areas that save me time. You may have more time than money. I'd love to have both! Please share comments on what you also have cut from your life to help us all learn ways to do or be more.