My husband Marcus and I met when I was a freshman in college and he was in his 3rd year. We were friends for about 5 months through a college organization and then began dating in February of the following year. When our first Christmas arrived, he came to my parents house over the long Christmas break and presented me with a charm bracelet and the Noel charm seen below, for our first Noel together.

We've spent every Christmas together since then and I always have a new Christmas charm in the toe of my stocking- it is the last thing I open each year.
This year will be our 17th Christmas together and this bracelet becomes more valuable to me each year. The wisemen above represent our first Christmas as Christians in 2003. The Mary and baby Jesus below, from 2008 when our daughter was born. The car, 2004, when we bought my Passat for Christmas.
I love that they mean something, that we have a tradition from our very first year together, that my bracelet will only grow as our marriage does. And, that I have something of meaning to hand to Abby Lu when I meet Jesus.
If you are newly married, attending a wedding this holiday season, or looking to start a new tradition, I couldn't recommend a Christmas bracelet more! Most of mine are from a local jeweler James Avery, but you can look anywhere and find Christmas charms!
Pardon the pictures... it is tough to capture a charm bracelet clear and up close! I don't know how she did it!